
General Bathroom Safety Tips

It is not uncommon to hear of accidents in the bathrooms. Generally the victims are the children, pets and the elderly members of the family. Some very simple precautionary measures, while helping you to organize the functioning of the bathroom, can also help you to bring down the chances of an accident to nearly zero. Here are a few such precautions.

1. Adjust the setting of the thermostat to not more than 120 degrees Fahrenheit. That ensures to eliminate the chances of anyone getting burns, be it your child or a pet. Let the child have the thrill of filling up his or her own bathtub without causing you any tension.

2. Keep the medicines including the mouthwash and your makeup materials away from the reach of a child. Keep these items stored in the cabinets meant for the purpose. All your razors, scissors and other sharp objects should also go to the cabinet.

3. Make sure not to leave any electrical device plugged in near the bath as water is a good conductor of electricity.

4. As you know bathroom floors get very slippery when wet, it will be a smart option to have non-slip mats close to your shower and bath. Mats help you to have a firmer grip, especially when you are required to raise your leg at the time of crossing over the edge of the bathtub.

5. Incorporate a shower bench in the bathroom. It is so convenient for everybody, be it a child or an elderly person. That brings the chances of a fall to almost zero if the user sits and bathes. Another helpful feature will be to install hand rails in the bathing area.

For any specific disability, it may be desirable to get in touch with your medic.

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